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Make It Make ¢ents

The BishopSpeaks Online Store | Make It Make ¢ents

Make It Make ¢ents

Cost: $13.99
The weekend has finally come, and everyone is outdoors enjoying the weather. But Ella is out for a different reason. In fact, she’s on a mission. Here’s a clue: cookies! Along the way, Ella runs into her friends and during this time, her friends learn a few things about Ella. Number one: she’s a big supporter of Kingdom Kids cookies. Number two: she’s has learned a lot about money. In fact, she knows stuff about money they’ve never heard of, and everyone is all ears. But the third thing they find out about Ella is the most important of all. She has a big heart. “Make it Make Cents” introduces fiscal responsibility to the young reader as it relates to mindful spending in everyday life. Whether shopping for groceries or a brand-new bike, this plot twist story will reveal how financial decisions are made in order to make dollars and make cents.

The Bishops address the concept of being resourceful with money, managing debt, and saving. Financial literacy is broken down in a way that children understand, while providing the foundation for obtaining financial freedom—something they will appreciate as adults.

This treasured story is a necessary tool to prepare future leaders for an economy where money is needed to survive but responsibility is needed to thrive. 


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